



Once again I signed up for NanoWrimo. I’ve been rehashing the same novel for too many years, never finishing it. I realized I’ve had too much input and haven’t trusted my own instincts. Too many online classes and not enough writing. It’s not “Writer’s Block”, but procrastination. This has to change!

Maybe you are in the same position. You sit down to write and then get distracted. Maybe you never even get to that point. This can change.

The next few blogs will be focused on my writing journey and conquering procrastination and the reluctance to work on my book. I want to get my inspiration back and finish this.

Come along for the ride and hopefully you won’t get bucked off.


The many ways I procrastinate:

  1. Write in my journal. (I’m still writing)
  2. Do housework (It NEEDS to be done)
  3. Go on a sourdough baking binge. (Sourdough bread is so good)
  4. Make handmade books. (creativity at it’s best!)
  5. Knit (No thinking involved)
  6. Go on walks (They can help the creative flow)
  7. Do another writing class (I need inspiration)
  8. Go to the coffee shop (Without my laptop)
  9. Write a letter (Communication)
  10. Instagram, FB, Research,….

What are ways you procrastinate?


Just for your information…

I moved ALL my old blog posts from here:
to:  (This is a free site.) There are also some very old posts you might find entertaining.

 I am starting a blank page, a new start,  and hope I can have this blog be about writing, encouraging other writers and tips I’ve learned. My random brain likes to put everything together, so I can’t promise I’ll stay on subject, but I’ll try. 

Featured image is an idea for the book I’ve been working on since 2013 🙂



Colossians 3:17 “And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.”